a'dorfer Postinho Beitrag melden Geschrieben 11. November 2010 was mich interessieren würde - warum geht es eigentlich mit dem zuschauerschnitt dermaßen bergab ? laut wiki gings von 3000 in der ersten saison runter auf aktuell 1700 ? ist der "zauber" bzw. der "hass" auf glazer und co. am abnehmen oder gibts da andere gründe ? warum...hmm...ich hab keine antwort drauf. nur so viel dazu...der hass ist sicher nicht kleiner geworden... unzählige schmählieder und chants gegen glazer und... zb verwenden viele als verabschiedungsgruß, anstelle der üblichen worte, ein beherztes "HATE GLAZER" ... irgendwie witzig die szenerie 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
lucheni Mokum 31 mei 1933 Beitrag melden Geschrieben 22. November 2010 artikel im guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/nov/21/fc-united-punk-football-fairytale 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gampern Im ASB-Olymp Beitrag melden Geschrieben 25. November 2010 FC United's stadium plans in Newton Heath passedManchester United's breakaway club - FC United - has had plans for a new 5,000 capacity stadium passed. Their new home will be built in Acres Lane in Newton Heath, only streets away from Manchester United's first home. The club has already raised nearly £700,000 from a community shares scheme it launched six weeks ago. It needs £3.5m to build the stadium. Manchester City Council confirmed the planning committee had given the proposals the green light. A sports development, which is based on the site, will be revamped and turned into the £3.5m community complex. Lindsey Robertson, the club's secretary, said: "It's just a fantastic achievement, we are in our sixth season and we have come so far already. 'Heart of the game' "We will have our own home for our supporters, and one which will involve the whole community on a daily basis." FC United was established in 2005 and is one of the first clubs to introduce the community shares scheme - a way of keeping fans fully involved in its future. Andy Walsh, general manager said: "At a time when many clubs are in debt or in the hands of major investors, we aim to demonstrate that there is a real alternative. "We want to change the way football is run and financed by putting supporters at the heart of the game." The team are scheduled to play Brighton in the second round of the FA Cup - the furthest they have got in the competition to date. >>BBC<< Andy Walsh, general manager of FC United said: "It's a tremendous decision for the supporters and for the local community. It's testament to the hard work by everyone in the club who worked with the community of Newton Heath on the proposal."We are looking forward to moving into the new ground. I also have to thank the supporters and fans who have shown their faith in this type of democratically owned club." >>MEN<< 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gampern Im ASB-Olymp Beitrag melden Geschrieben 26. November 2010 Ich weiß, spät dran, aber jetzt hat er auch schon ein Tor geschossen, ich zitiere Wikipedia: [Rory] Patterson received his first call-up to the Northern Ireland squad in February 2010, when Nigel Worthington named him in his squad to face Albania and made his debut as a substitute, earning praise from manager Nigel Worthington for his performance. He was then named in the squad again in May 2010 for a two match tour and it was announced that he would play as a lone striker in a match against Turkey. He scored his first international goal, a penalty, on 17th November 2010 in a friendly against Morocco to level the scores late in the game, playing the full 90 minutes. Übrigens immer noch Rekordhalter: Most league goals: 86 Rory Patterson 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
pik7a Superkicker Beitrag melden Geschrieben 27. November 2010 Falls es wen juckt http://atdhe.net/29355/watch-brighton-and-ha-vs-fc-utd-of-manchester 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
robocop_de_hiro Posting-Pate Beitrag melden Geschrieben 28. November 2010 Fantastisches Ergebnis gestern! Auswärts ein 1-1 gegen die Tabellenführer der League One! Da kann man sich schon freuen aufs Rückspiel an der Gigg Lane. Die Stimmung wird sicherlich verdammt gut sein 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Maulinho get the fuck in! Beitrag melden Geschrieben 28. November 2010 Pompey wär Drittrundengegner. 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Töm1989 The Last Wizard of the Century Beitrag melden Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2010 Rückspiel ging leider verloren, wenn man Eurosport glauben schenken kann 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Rabinho ewig Reisender Beitrag melden Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2010 Rückspiel ging leider verloren, wenn man Eurosport glauben schenken kann 0:4 ja. Spiel war ganz ok. Knackpunkt war auf jedenfall das 0:2 unmittelbar mit dem Halbzeitpfiff. In der zweiten Halbzeit dann leider auch noch einen Elfer an die Stange geschossen. Alles in allem ein braver Auftritt, jedoch nach vorne zu wenig Gefahr gegen den League1 Verein. Man dürfte trotzdem sehr zufrieden sein beim Verein. Und auch die Fans nahmens mit Humor und stimmten kurz vor Schluss "Always look on the bright side of life" an Übrigens mit gut 6000 Zuschauern auch neuer Rekord in diesen Belangen. 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gampern Im ASB-Olymp Beitrag melden Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2010 Spiel war ganz ok. Soweit es der Boden halt zuließ. Knackpunkt war auf jedenfall das 0:2 unmittelbar mit dem Halbzeitpfiff. Jo seh ich grossteils auch so, mit dem Elfer hätte natürlich schon noch mal was gehen können, da war noch genug Zeit. Man dürfte trotzdem sehr zufrieden sein beim Verein. Und auch die Fans nahmens mit Humor und stimmten kurz vor Schluss "Always look on the bright side of life" an Übrigens mit gut 6000 Zuschauern auch neuer Rekord in diesen Belangen. 6731, der alte lag bei 6023 oder so. Wie schon im FA Cup Thread vermerkt, well done lads! But success is a journey, not a destination, and while FC United were not destined to make the Third Round, what a journey it’s been. A club that did not exist six years ago were 90 minutes away from the Third Round of the FA Cup. A club that did not exist six years ago were 90 minutes away from the Third Round of the FA Cup. Repetition does not dull that achievement and nor should a 4-0 defeat detract from what has been an incredible journey. The worst trip we’ve ever been on? No chance. (genau genommen warens ja nur ein paar wenige Minuten, denn im ersten Spiel führt man bis kurz vor Schluß) 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gampern Im ASB-Olymp Beitrag melden Geschrieben 19. Januar 2011 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gampern Im ASB-Olymp Beitrag melden Geschrieben 5. März 2011 Grad wollte ich auf den tollen Run der letzten Wochen hinweisen (6 der letzten 7 Spiele bzw 10/letzten 13 gewonnen und damit fest dabei im Kampf um die Play Off Plätze), da muß ich das lesen: We ask supporters to read the whole of the following statement carefully.’Manchester City Council has announced that the proposal to develop a football ground with community sports provision at Ten Acres Lane in partnership with FC United will be under review. As a result of the challenging local government settlement, the Council has to ensure that any available resources are optimised and deliver the very best for Manchester. The Council has therefore had to revisit its spending plans and examine other opportunities for securing a football facility within the city. The Council acknowledges the immense amount of energy, time and effort that FC United and its members have invested in the Ten Acres Lane proposal to date and remain absolutely committed to helping FC United achieve its ambition of building a new ground in time for the 2012-13 season. It shares the club’s vision for improving and developing football and sports provision and to that end, the Council is seeking to examine the most financially viable solution for a ground and community football facilities in the city, which makes the most use of Council resources. The City Council will carry out detailed feasibility work to enable a preferred option to be brought forward. The Council and FC United have committed to producing a detailed report within the next month outlining the preferred option and the benefits to the local community. The Council will continue to work with FC United to raise investment for funding from the Football Foundation, Sport England and any other external funding partners, in order to secure a strong community offer in Manchester. Both parties are aware of the commitment and support shown for the Ten Acres Lane proposal by many thousands of people, not least the residents of Newton Heath and FC United’s members and the partners are committed to bringing forward a proposal which will benefit both community football and the residents of Manchester, while making the most of available Council resources. Regardless of the outcome of the report, the Council remains committed to Ten Acres Lane and continuing with maintaining the community use of this facility. The Club and the Council will reveal full details of the preferred option for the stadium and the plans for Ten Acres Lane by the end of March 2011. Eddie Smith, Chief Executive of New East Manchester said: "We have to review these proposals in the light of the funding cuts necessitated by the government’s settlement. But we remain committed to working closely with the club to examine options for plans which both meet their ambitions and deliver the widest possible community benefits." Statement Ends’ We are sure that the news that Ten Acres Lane is no longer a viable option will come as a considerable shock to our supporters as it did to the Board when we learnt of this development in the last few days. In order that the Board can address any concerns that supporters may have, a members’ meeting has been arranged at the Longfield Suite in Prestwich tomorrow at 11am before our home game versus Mickleover Sports. Directions for the Longfield Suite can be found here However supporters should also note that the statement provides us with a number of commitments on behalf of Manchester City Council. It is these and other assurances that the Board have been working hard to secure in the last few days. It is our belief that as a result of negotiations some of those commitments are stronger than were even in place for Ten Acres Lane. The emotional attachment we all felt to Ten Acres should not be underestimated. The Council appreciate that their decision means that the terms of the Community Share Scheme will need to be amended and a revised offer document issued. The club will send a separate communication next week to those members who have applied for Community Shares. We are satisfied that the Council have given the appropriate financial guarantees to ensure that the terms of the revised scheme will be at least equivalent to if not superior to those in the previous offer on Ten Acres Lane and that the proposed new site has the potential to deliver everything and more. We ask supporters to remain patient and resilient in the coming days and weeks. There will be those within and outside our ranks that will question the future of this project. We stress, the Board remain fully committed to delivering a new home for FC United for the start of the 2012-13 season and no amount of setbacks will distract us from that pursuit. Hasta La Victoria Siempre 04-03-2011 at 20:18 http://www.fc-utd.co.uk/story.php?story_id=3458 Ein Schock und die Aufregung ist groß. Umso beruhigender dass vermutlich Man City damit etwas zu tun hat: 1. Revealed: Manchester City key to huge regeneration project around Eastlands 2. Manchester City Council - Report for Resolution (7 March 2011) (PDF)Approve in principle the proposal to establish the Eastlands Development Partnership with Manchester City Football Club strengthening the existing sporting offer at the East Manchester Academy and at the Ten Acres Lane Sports Complex. Das City Council muß davon ja schon Monate gewusst haben, the Community Share Scheme (dezidiert ja für den Standort Ten Acres Lane in Newton Heath) schloß am 28. Februar. Ansätze für Verschwörungstheorien gibt es genug. Das Meeting in ein paar Stunden bringt hoffentlich Klarheit. Trotzdem noch kurz zum Sportlichen und ein paar Worten von Margy: We’ve definitely been in promotion form of late, winning six of our last seven matches, and as a result we’re targeting second place, at least. We’re only four points off that spot and if we finished there we’d go into the play-offs with a definite advantage. The way we have played recently means that is a real possibility. I think in this form we could beat any of those top teams and, maybe Halifax aside who I think have a physical edge over us, we’re the best team in this league on our day.The team has really come together this season and they’re all playing for each other, which as a manager, is fantastic to see. The spirit has been brilliant. Even the lads sitting on the bench are cheering the players on the pitch on and not sulking about being left out. That’s a rare thing at this level and something we’re very pleased about. I think the FA Cup run helped that, with the players deciding between themselves that the bonus money should be spread evenly through the squad, not just going to those in the 11 on the pitch. This recent league form has encapsulated this attitude and if we kick on and get even better then there is no reason we can’t get promoted come April. We’ve won a couple of tough away fixtures since our last home game and we have played some really good football. We had a few disruptions with the traffic on Tuesday at Nantwich and that showed when we went a goal down early on. But, once again, the spirit came through and we dug in and ended up with a great result. 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gampern Im ASB-Olymp Beitrag melden Geschrieben 5. April 2011 FC United to build 5,000 capacity stadium in Moston 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gampern Im ASB-Olymp Beitrag melden Geschrieben 3. Mai 2011 Nach einem sensationallem Frühjahr doch noch die Play Offs erreicht, im Halbfinale zum ersten mal beim 6. Versuch beim "alten Rivalen" Bradford Park Avenue gewonnen, nun aber leider das Play Off Final auswärts bei Colwyn Bay 0:1 verloren. Level 6 lässt noch auf sich warten. 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
revo Oasch Beitrag melden Geschrieben 3. Mai 2011 Scheint ein bisschen die Luft draußen zu sein, oder? 0 Zitieren Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
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