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Hallo arbeite ich für eine Computerspielgesellschaft, und ich erforsche die österreichische Liga im Moment. Ich muss bestimmte Information über Ihren Klub (z.B Betriebsleiter, Bastelsätze, Kapitäne, Trupp-Zahlen usw.) herausfinden. Wenn Sie gern dann hälfen, können Sie sich mit mir hier in Verbindung setzen, oder Sie können mir per E-Mail schicken: [email protected]

Entschuldigen mein Vokabular und Grammatik, ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen, und ich muss einen Internetübersetzer verwenden! Irgendwelche Englisch würden Willkommen!

Danke sehr viel Stuart sein

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Okay, sorry I just wasn't sure if English would be understood.

Basically, I work for Codemasters the computer games company and I am currently researching the Austrian Bundesliga. I need to find certain information out about various clubs and was hoping somebody would be able to tell me things like manager, captains, free kick takers corner takers etc.

Anybody who'd like to help can leave a message here or e-mail me at [email protected]

I'd be very grateful for any help received.

Thank you


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The cake is a lie
Okay, sorry I just wasn't sure if English would be understood.

Basically, I work for Codemasters the computer games company and I am currently researching the Austrian Bundesliga. I need to find certain information out about various clubs and was hoping somebody would be able to tell me things like manager, captains, free kick takers corner takers etc.

Anybody who'd like to help can leave a message here or e-mail me at [email protected]

I'd be very grateful for any help received.

Thank you



Of course we understand English... at least most of us.

The most important fact you should keep in mind when designing the game is that AUSTRIA WIEN is the best team in Austria, and nobody likes Red Bull Salzburg and Rapid Wien... in that order. :D

No, seriously, what kind of game is it? Football-manager or something like that?

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I'll bear those 'facts' in mind, although I can't guarantee anything! :D

Yes, I'm researching for Football Manager (LMA in England) 2007.

The details I need most are:

Who is the club's: Captain, free kick taker, corner taker and penalty taker.


The formations used by the manager, home and away (e.g. 4-4-2 & 4-5-1 or 3-5-2 and 5-3-2 etc.)

And if possible, ratings between 1 and 100 for the manager in the following categories:

Motivation Coaching Judgement Discipline Awareness

If possible these ratings should be between 45 and 65 unless the manager is particularly bad or good at any category.

Obviously this might be harder for you as I believe you've just hired a new manager haven't you (Schinkels)?

Anyway, any help would be much appreciated

Thanks again


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I'll bear those 'facts' in mind, although I can't guarantee anything!  :D

Yes, I'm researching for Football Manager (LMA in England) 2007.

The details I need most are:

Who is the club's: Captain, free kick taker, corner taker and penalty taker.


The formations used by the manager, home and away (e.g. 4-4-2 & 4-5-1 or 3-5-2 and 5-3-2 etc.)

And if possible, ratings between 1 and 100 for the manager in the following categories:

Motivation  Coaching  Judgement  Discipline  Awareness

If possible these ratings should be between 45 and 65 unless the manager is particularly bad or good at any category.

Obviously this might be harder for you as I believe you've just hired a new manager haven't you (Schinkels)?

Anyway, any help would be much appreciated

Thanks again




frenkie schinkels: (coach at fk austria since 2005)

- motivation : 75

- coaching: 55

- jugdement: 50

- discipline: 55

- awareness: 60

last season, austria often played 4-3-2-1 (away and home) or 4-5-1

our standard free kicker is nastja ceh.

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The Pezident of Bäristan

Captain: Jocelyn Blanchard

corners & freekicks: Nastja Ceh

System: Christmas-tree-system (4-3-2-1)

supporters stand: west stand

bearbeitet von Pezi

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Thanks very much for the reply Heiniz, I appreciate your help very much.

If anyone could give the corner and penalty takers and captain, then that's all I need.

Also thanks to Pezi (I like your avatar!!! :D )

Thanks again


bearbeitet von styx

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If anyone could give the corner and penalty takers and captain, then that's all I need.

hard to say, cause there's no standard penalty kicker. same with corners, but if you take here nastja ceh as well, you can't go too wrong :)

and as pezi already said, the captain of fk austria wien is jocelyn blanchard, a frenchman .

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The most important thing is, that you call our team Austria WIEN.


oh yes, please! if somehow possible don't name us something with 'magna' or at least use the full name. :v:

now i´m courios... what's your part at codemasters? are you a coder?

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The Pezident of Bäristan
Make some mp3 sounds from austria wien :D

when you can do that


Football Manager!!!

Das ist sowas wie Anstoss oder Bundesliga Manager Hattrick und nicht sowas wie FIFA Soccer oder Pro Evolution Soccer.


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