Anna Nicole Smith verstorben


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US-Medien: Model Anna Nicole Smith tot

Das US-Model Anna Nicole Smith ist laut US-Medien tot. Wie der US-Sender CNN berichtete, starb Smith nach einem Zusammenbruch in einem Krankenhaus in Florida

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hat die nicht so einen grindigen alten Millionär geheiratet um an seine Erbmillionen zu kommen?

Naja, viel hat sie davon nicht gehabt...

edit: warum werden die 2 beiträge nicht zamgefühgt? O.o

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Silver Torah

Ist nicht erst vor kurzem ihr Sohn verstorben ? R.i.P.

CNN) -- Reality TV star and former model Anna Nicole Smith was pronounced dead Thursday after being taken to a Florida hospital, a law enforcement source told CNN.

Smith, 39, collapsed at a south Florida hotel, according to news reports.

"I can confirm that she is deceased. It's as shocking to me as to you guys," Smith's attorney, Ronald Rale, told Reuters. "I don't know anything further. [Her lawyer and husband] Howard [K. Stern], obviously, is speechless and grieving."

Smith's nurse called Seminole Hard Rock Hotel workers at 1:38 p.m. and security went to the room, hotel officials told Reuters. Fire rescue workers arrived within minutes, and Smith was taken to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood at 2:10 p.m.

Smith was involved in a paternity suit regarding the parentage of her daughter, Danielynn, as well as other disputes, including some regarding a house she stayed at in the Bahamas around the time she gave birth.

Earlier this week, Smith was included in a class-action lawsuit against a company, TrimSpa, for which she had worked as a spokesperson. TrimSpa makes a product it claims leads to substantial weight loss. The lawsuit alleges the marketing of the product, TrimSpa X32, was false or misleading.

Smith's son, Daniel Wayne Smith, died at age 20 just days after the birth of Smith's daughter. Pathologist Cyril Wecht said a lethal dose of methadone and antidepressants caused cardiac dysrhythmia, leading to his death.

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if i were a robot, my arm would be an aeropress.

Die bei Wikipedia san a wiedermal verdammt schnell:

Am 8. Februar 2007 verstarb Anna Nicole Smith im Memorial Regional Hospital, nach einem Zusammenbruch in einem Hotelzimmer des Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida.

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Du bist und bleibst ein pietätsloses Schwein.

Und du ein Fall für den Rechtschreibthread, die Journaille gehört in ein Germanistik-Boot-Camp. :D

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