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Payment Methods

We are currently accepting the following methods of payments


This is the most convenient way to pay us. Paypal accepts most major debit and credit cards online. Payment is handled in USD and absolutely free of charge at buyers' side. However, you need to subscribe with them before sending payments.


Nochex is the biggest British online payment service. You will need a British debit card in order to registered with them. Payments have to be converted to GBP. No extra charge is needed.

Western Union Money Transfer

You can send instant payment through Western Union Money Transfer service. Please contact Western Union office in your area for more information.

International Money Order

We take international money orders in USD. However, extra $4.00 per payment is needed to cover the bank fee to cash it here. The fee will be automatically added when you select this option.


You can also send cash in USD and all other major currency. Please be sure to use registered airmail or EMS so you can always track it. Bare in mind that the risk is yours. We will ship your order only if we receive your cash.

Direct Deposite to British Bank Account

This option is for British customer only. You can easily deposite cash to our Barclays bank account. This method is free of charge. Please select "cash" as a payment option when you place the order and then email us for the account number.

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\o\ \o/ /o/

Auweia, was sind das für Zahlungsmethoden? Hören sich riskant an, meiner Meinung nach

International Money Order hab ich auch schon einmal durchgeführt

Ist eine einfache Auslands Geldüberweisung und es gab überhaupt keine Probleme

Finde es nicht riskant

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Ich habe 4 Dressen Online bestellt und auch bekommen (Qualität einwandfrei). 15 € /Dress - ist doch ein Schnäppchen :smoke:

Habe in meinem Freundeskreis noch keine Beschwerden gehört - und geliefert wird innerhalb von einer Woche (max 2)






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