Petrolul Ploiesti - Rapid Wien (1995)


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Hi !

My name is Vali, I’m from Ploiesti, Romania and i need to know if someone could help me with some informations about a football match that took place in the UEFA Cup during the 1995 – 1996 season between Rapid Wien and Petrolul Ploiesti. So i was wondering if there are any articles from old newspapers, match reports, pictures, any memories related to that event from the past. Please is there a chance for me to get some help ?


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this statistics may help you a little bit

1. Runde

Rapid - Petrolul Ploiesti 3:1 (1:0)

14. 9. 1995

Hanappi-Stadion, 12.000, Loizu (Zypern)

RAPID: Konsel; Ivanov; Schöttel, Hatz; Pivarnik (77. Jovanovic), Stöger, Barisic, Guggi, Heraf, Marasek; Stumpf (70. Jancker)

PLOIESTI: Preda; Rachita; Chirita, Grigore, Leahu; Bastina, Abaluta, Parlog, Zmoleanu; Zafiris (62. Toader), Andreicut (81. Grama)

Tore: 1:0 (45.) Barisic, 2:0 (59.) Ivanov, 2:1 (65.) Toader, 3:1 (90., Elfmeter) Barisic

Gelb: Hatz, Schöttel; Andreicut, Zmoleanu

Petrolul Ploiesti - Rapid 0:0

28. 9. 1995

Ploiesti, 11.000, Diaz Vega (Spanien)

PLOIESTI: Preda; Rachita; Balaceanu, Grigore; Bastina, Grama (66. Mihai), Zmoleanu, Abaluta, Leau; Andreicut (46. Zafiris), Toader (75. Pirlog)

RAPID: Konsel; Ivanov; Schöttel; Hatz, Pivarnik, Heraf, Stöger (88. Barisic), Guggi (62. Jovanovic), Kühbauer, Marasek; Stumpf (90. Haller)

Gelb: Andreicut, Bastina, Balaceanu; Pivarnik, Marasek, Kühbauer, Schöttel


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Hi Vali,

here is a scan of the ticket for the 1st leg game in Vienna. Should have some short video footage somewhere, too. Gotta search my archives first.... ;)

Danke schön!

What do you remember from that game ? Do you still have the match program ? If so can you scan me it's pages ?

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Danke schön!

What do you remember from that game ? Do you still have the match program ? If so can you scan me it's pages ?

It's been a "far-from-brilliant" game of both teams. All in all we deserved the win in the first leg, I guess, but we also were very lucky with the goalie of Petrolul (Preda), who had a very bad day and was co-responsible for our first two goals. He had a pretty obvious problem with crosses on that day.

In the second leg, which I watched on TV, Petrolul was the better team but we somehow managed to keep the 0-0 until the end (Petrolul hit the post one or two times, as far as I remember). We did better against Sporting, Dynamo Moscow and Feyenoord in the following games...

I don't have the match program, BTW.

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i remember the game too.

i got so soaked in vienna!

and the euro-season 95/96 was a glorious season for us (we reached the final against psg, and become austrian champions the same year), so many will remember it!

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That was a funny game. Our playmaker Dietmar Kühbauer was banned for the first leg of the game because of a red card in a previous competition when he played for Admira Wacker. He watched the game with us on "Westtribüne", the fan's stand.

The first goal for Rapid must have been the only header goal Zoran Barisic ever scored in his career :D

Toader's goal was nice - he lobbed Rapid keeper Michael Konsel immediately after he entered the pitch.

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