Das österreichische Team für die WM 2010!!!!!!

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Hab ich aus einem anderen Forum, musste echt schwer lachen. XD


Arnold Schwarzennegger

Big Man, his hands will easily crush the ball, he also single-handedly killed a predator in the past and is known for his brilliant performance in Batman & Robin



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"a remarkable small man, very thin and pale, with a profusion of fine, fair hair of which he was rather vain"

perfect left wing


Jörg Haider

He was said to be the new Hitler, but in the end it turned out that he was just an average joe with a super-serious face who died in a super-serious car accident whilst being drunk. perfect centre-back


Joseph Haydn

His white hair and the playbook in his hands are going to make the difference.


Franz Schubert

On the picture you see him thinking "lolwut"? Perfect right wing.



Josef Fritzl

Wikipedia calls him a notorious raper. The austrians think he is the last best hope to finally 'rape' all the other teams and he also is the crowds-favourite. Go Fritzl!


Sigmund Freud

As the founder of the psychoanalytic method of psychiatry he knows exactly what the other team plans to do next. Best tactician in the world and he also holds a cigarre in his right hand!


Andreas Nikolaus "Niki" Lauda

As a former Formula One racing driver and world champion he knows exactly what it means to have to live up to the expectations of a whole nation. He will be the emotional leader of the squad and whilst his face is scarred, his heart still beats fast.


Prince Eugene of Savoy

He once lead europe into the fight against the turks. He proved to be the perfect captain, he has iron will, leadership qualities and was on top form when it mattered most!



Rachel Weisz

Yup, she's half-austrian and beautiful. No further explanation needs to be given. Perfect forwarder.


Miriam Weichselbraun

She and Rachel make up the perfect duo. The other team will simply be to busy thinking about having sexy times to actually be able to defend.



Falco (Too busy sniffing heroin, lacking moral)

Christoph Waltz (got outsmarted in inglorious basterds, actually a weak player)

Frank Stronach (He got the money, but not the skills. His motto: I'm rich bitch.)

Dieter Mateschitz (Owner of Red-Bull, but known to be oversensitive, needs to change his attitude towards the game)

Ernst Mach (Mach number is the speed of an object moving through air, or any fluid substance, divided by the speed of sound as it is in that substance.)

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forza roma

Anscheinend bin ich der Einzige, der das nicht lustig findet.

Anscheinend bist du der Einzige, der es für nötig empfindet, auf einen ihm unlustig erscheinenden Beitrag zu antworten, nur um eben das mitzuteilen.

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